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arge-scale proteomics combined with transgenic experiments demonstrates an important role of jasmonic acid in potassium deficiency response in wheat and rice

发布时间:2018-01-05 08:07 点击数:
Li G, Wu Y, Liu G, Xiao X, Wang P, Gao T, Xu M, Han Q, Wang Y, Guo T, Kang G

Molecular & Cellular Proteomics

Potassium (K+) is the most abundant inorganic cation in plants, and molecular dissection of K+ deficiency has received considerable interest in order to minimize K+ fertilizer input and develop high quality K+-efficient crops. However, the molecular mechanism of plant responses to K+ deficiency is still poorly understood. In this study, 2-week-old bread wheat seedlings grown hydroponically in Hoagland solution were transferred to K+-free conditions for 8 d, and their root and leaf proteome profiles were assessed using the iTRAQ proteome method. Over 4000 unique proteins were identified, and 818 K+-responsive protein species showed significant differences in abundance. The differentially expressed protein species were associated with diverse functions and exhibited organ-specific differences. Most of the differentially expressed protein species related to hormone synthesis were involved in jasmonic acid (JA) synthesis and the upregulated abundance of JA synthesis-related enzymes could result in the increased JA concentrations. Abundance of allene oxide synthase (AOS), one key JA synthesis-related enzyme, was significantly increased in K+-deficient wheat seedlings, and its overexpression markedly increased concentrations of K+ and JA, altered the transcription levels of some genes encoding K+-responsive protein species, as well as enhanced the tolerance of rice plants to low K+ or K+ deficiency. Moreover, rice AOS mutant (osaos) exhibited more sensitivity to low K+ or K+ deficiency. Our findings could highlight the importance of JA in K+deficiency, and imply a network of molecular processes underlying plant responses to K+ deficiency.